
Promoting Gender Diversity



For the majority of companies, when it comes to diversity and inclusion, promoting gender diversity, and in particular the greater representation of women in the workplace, is a priority issue.  Community Business has been championing the role of women in the workplace since we first began operations in 2003 - and continues to do so today.  We offer a portfolio of training sessions designed to not only reinforce the business case, but also to highlight what companies and managers can do to create a more enabling environment for women.  Our training is based on valuable insights gained from our local research as well as direct experience of working with leading companies in the region.


We offer the following training modules designed to promote gender diversity in the workplace in Asia:

  • Promoting Gender Diversity in Asia - Why it Matters

    In this session, we look at the compelling business case for promoting gender diversity, the specific challenges facing women in Asia and the role we all have to play in promoting greater gender inclusion.
  • Creating an Enabling Environment for Women

    In this session, we look at the challenges facing women in the workplace in Asia and highlight ways in which companies can create an enabling environment for women.
  • How to Promote Gender Inclusion in Teams

    In this interactive workshop, we explore with managers the skills and behaviours required to promote gender inclusion on teams and help to put into action through the application of a case study.