

All information is provided for general information only and is not in the nature of advice. It should not be relied upon for any purpose and Community Business Limited (CBL) makes no warranty or representation and gives no assurance as to its accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose. Inclusion of information about a company, programme or individual does not indicate CBL’s endorsement. Where cited, you should refer to the primary sources for more information. 

Intellectual Property Rights

©2018 Community Business Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination of Community Business Limited (CBL) content (in whole or in part) is not allowed without express prior written permission of CBL and due acknowledgement of authorship. If use (in whole or in part) will generate income for the licensee, express prior written permission to that effect must be obtained from CBL. To obtain permission, write to

Refund Policy

Refunds for Flagship Events will only be granted on written requests received 1 month prior to the event. No refunds will be granted after this date. For Standard Events, all cancellations must be notified in writing at least 3 working days prior to the event.

No-shows will be charged and the service fee is non-refundable.

If a Force Majeure Event* occurs, Community Business may, at its sole discretion, cancel or re-schedule any aspect of the event and such cancellation or re-scheduling will not be subject to any refund, penalties or additional fees or charges for Community Business.

* A “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any circumstance beyond Community Business’ reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, floods, earthquakes, war, acts of the public enemy, riots, acts of military authorities, disease, civil disturbance, labour disputes, strikes, fires, embargoes, unavailability of power or communications facilities, unavailability of public transit, or tropical storms or typhoons.

Publication Downloads are non-refundable.