
2018 marked 10 years since the establishment of Community Business’ leading Diversity & Inclusion in Asia Network (DIAN). As we celebrated the 10 years, DIAN was promoting the DIAN Decade Programme.  As part of the programme, the DIAN Decade Conference & Awards was successfully held on Monday 12 November 2018 in Hong Kong.


Conference | 12:30pm - 6:00pm

The DIAN Decade Conference provided a platform for companies to share their insights and stories, and to celebrate progress made in advancing diversity and inclusion over the last decade. The Conference also presented the three perspectives on Transformation - The Future of D&I in Asia. Established thought leaders shared their valuable insights from the region and looked ahead to highlight what is going to be important in the D&I field in the future.

  • Opening 

The Evolution of D&I in Asia – Reflections on the DIAN Decade

  • Keynote: D&I in Transformation

Perspective 1 | From Diverse Representation to a Holistic Talent Strategy
Perspective 2 | From One-Off Interventions to Designing for Inclusion
Perspective 3 | From Workplace to Marketplace

1A Pioneering D&I in Asia | 1B D&I Collaboration in Asia
2A Advancing D&I in Asia | 2B Promoting Social Inclusion in Asia


Cocktail Reception & Award Ceremony | 6:00pm - 7:30pm

At the end of the DIAN Decade Conference, Community Business hosted the DIAN Decade Awards Ceremony where the much-anticipated DIAN Decade Awards winners were announced.

View Award Winners & Finalists


Conference Programme & Speakers

Programme Details

