2021 Work-Life Harmony LIVE! Day


  • 10:00 -

    The Secret To Living Life Meaningfully – The ‘Ikigai’ Way

    Rebecca Jean
    Target Audience: General Employees

    In this session, we explore the Japanese concept of 'Ikigai' - "a reason for being" and how we can apply it to improve our work and life quality. Understanding elements of this way of living as an antidote to the overworked lifestyle we have come to accept and expect.
  • 12:00 -

    Digital Detox - Coping with Virtual Fatigue in Our Always On World

    Bindiya Murgai
    Target Audience: General Employees

    2020 thrust us into the digital world like never before. As the lines between our personal and professional lives blur, we look at what is critical in creating balance. In this session, we explore the daily habits that could be feeding our technology addiction and learn to manage its impact on our wellbeing.
  • 14:00 -

    Building Up the Energy You Need to Lead

    Sakshi Kumar
    Target Audience: People Leaders & Managers

    Essential to supporting your team and employees in their pursuit of work-life harmony is empowering yourself as a manager to prioritise this. In this session, we address how the stress of managing people in a hybrid work environment can lead to burnout. We look at ways to help us put on our "oxygen mask" before helping others.
  • 16:00 -

    'Hack Your Work Week' Make WorkLife Harmony a Reality

    Christopher Allen
    Target Audience: General Employees

    How can our rhythm and way of working help us address pressing issues in a hybrid work environment? In this session, we look at ways to reestablish work norms to better meet our work-life harmony needs in the world of remote working that has challenged our wellbeing in new ways.