
The Out & Equal LGBTQ India Forum Powered by IBM was held in Bangalore, India on 2 August 2018. This full-capacity event was attended by over 170 delegates from over 100 Indian and multinational companies who gathered to discuss ways to advance LGBTQ workplace inclusion in India, as well as provide a networking space for corporate leaders, NGOs and allies from a range of industries. 


  • Mirmala Menon, Founder & CEO, Interweave 
  • Sandeep Nair, Programme Associate, Community Business 
  • CV Viverito, Manager - Global Initiatives, Out & Equal 

Nirmala Menon opened proceedings with a pre-conference session: LGBT-101. This session gave participants the opportunity to learn basic LGBT+ terminology, the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity, and the legal context of SEC-377. 

Community Business Programme Associate in India, Sandeep Nair, presented a session that dispelled some common misconceptions around the LGBT+ community, and also showcased the importance of promoting same-sex marriages in India. He also showcased why businesses must consider LGBT+ Inclusion in workplaces.

CV Viverito expanded on workplace issues that the LGBT+ community face and showcased best practices that are easy to adopt to ensure all organisations are inclusive to LGBT+ employees.